Dominating cuties


is a series of events, where Micha Stella invites artists & performers to share their artistic research and try to translate it into a learning/teaching experience, open to everybody to enjoy : searching for a path to build & experience collective pleasure.

First event of the series was “Forbidden dance“ with Kulshedra , a Performance, Talk, Dance & more… That toke place at IKSK, on the 1st of february 2023

Forbidden Dance with Kulshedra
Can we better understand topics as embodying freedom, gender fluidity and radical pleasure from a dance solo?

I believe that we can! While experiencing the solo performance “Defeat me“ by Kulshedra (they/them), I felt a strong resonance in my own body, as I could grasp, on a deeper level, the path to reach the dancer’s radical awareness.

Kulshedra perform their solo, and after a brief open discussion concerning the core qualities Kulshedra embodied in the performance, they will lead a dance class to show the path to reach those qualities; and in the end, all together, we will “Defeat ourseves“ in a collective reinterpretation of their choreographical material.

This class is open to everyone, body aware, professional dancers, non-dancers, moving lovers & conceptual researchers.
Micha Stella

The first encounter takes place at IKSK.