Fuck The Patriarchy


We will use acting & body techniques, conscious kink, dance, inspiring texts, gentle and rough touch, music and role play to discover together how to unfold the path…

Every Friday // 10 to 13 // 12€ to 25€ //
low income 15€ // regular 25€ // high 35€

Anna Natt: www.annanatt.com
Valentin: www.valentinschmehl.eu

with Micha Stella, Valentin Schmehl & Anna Natt

Imagine a world with no fear, where you are fully allowed to be yourself, where genders are fluid and diversity of beings are celebrated…
Where cultural multiplicity is recognized and exchanges are encouraged…

Imagine a life where collective satisfaction is the priority and bodies can dance freely with their minds and spirits…
A time where we can come together, as humans, “Same Same // Different Different“ and invent a new reality to embody…

If co-creating the path toward this world is appealing to you,
you are welcome to join our Wednesday night experiment,