S7 Final Celebration
“Schwelle7 Final Celebration’s VIDEOS –
by Micha Stella, 2016
A few videos documenting the last weeks of Schwelle7, the performance space in Berlin-Wedding, directed by the choreographer Felix Ruckert from 2007-2016.
For the last two weeks of the existence of Schwelle7, in May 2016, Felix Ruckert designed a Final Celebration Program, with daily free workshops and night events.
The Chastity Concert, with Felix Ruckert and Christine Borch is one memory of those days at Schwelle7.
The Auction is one of the funny moments of those last days, where Felix Ruckert sold many Schwelle7 items.
In this talk, Felix Ruckert summarizes his experiences during the last 9 years of Schwelle7 and talks about his wishes and desires for the future.